Our Vision:
† Our Vision is to build a church family where the members are in loving relationship with God and each other within an environment of order, participation and accountability.
† Our Vision is to teach sound, biblical, life-giving doctrine based on the Scriptural revelation of what Jesus said and did, and to propagate his doctrine through our teaching and living.
† We want to reach out to others, both corporately and individually outside of the congregational setting, to bring them into relationship with Jesus Christ and to teach them basic principles of the Kingdom of God, and to then release them to go and do likewise for others.
† We embrace the work of the Holy Spirit and depend on His anointing for life and ministry, whilst avoiding manipulative or psychic methods and practices.
† Our long-term vision is to extend the Kingdom of God by establishing inter-dependent but autonomous local churches founded on the principles presented in the book of Acts.
† We seek to be in fellowship with other like-minded churches across the world and to be a blessing to others, especially to other small churches.