Our Mission Involvement has three legs:
† Reaching out to the lost in our own community
† Spiritual support of believers and leaders in other countries
† Practical ministries to the underprivileged
In our mission work we seek to provide spiritual support, as well as teaching and guidance to many churches, leaders and individual believers across the world. We do this mainly through the medium of the International Fellowship of Christian Believers and through the following programs:
† We have previously organized and spoken at conferences and seminars equipping pastors for the work of the ministry in the USA, as well as internationally. This is still one of our main passions at Sun Valley Community Church, and because of that we make brothers available to preach and teach the word of God around the world. This includes areas such as South Africa, Zimbabwe, Europe and Australia.
† Our previous pastor Anton Bosch has much contact with many people across the world via e-mail. He uses this medium to support believers and leaders who are geographically, theologically or socially isolated.
† So too our new pastor Jeandre Fourie ministers to brothers and sisters in South Africa and uses technology such as Zoom and Whatsapp to build up, equip, train and encourage believers for the ministry. He has a passion for taking the apathetic and Nonchalant Christian and makng him a Christ-Follower zealous for the work and ministry of the Lord.
† Recordings of our teachings are distributed internationally with the simple intention to equip and train individuals.
† We operate a couple of websites that contain a wealth of teaching and ministry which is used by many churches as a basis of their own ministry. Please view them here at www.antonbsosch.org and www.jeandrefourie.org.
† For many years we have assisted in the establishing of a Bible School in Zimbabwe. We are still heavily involved with this work financially, spiritually and academically. The Theological College of Southern Africa (http://www.tcsa-zim.org/) trains pastors and other spiritual workers from many different denominations as well as independent churches.